Being the co-owner of Selador certainly has its advantages as Dave Seaman knows only too well. The ability to release your own productions on your own label is of course, one of the perks of the job because quite frankly, who’s gonna stop you?! So no sooner has ‘Rodales’ (his contribution to the recent 3D EP) done it’s business, than the Boss Man pulls rank once again to deliver another lovingly crafted EP.
To be fair, it’s a release more than deserved of its place on the schedule. An EP of consummate artistry, the delightfully titled
‘Rapscallion’s Revenge’ comes in four variations; 2 courtesy of Dave himself with further interpretations coming from German upstarts Township Rebellion and Irish Techno master Ian O’Donovan. It’s an explosion of melody and rhythm and acid house spirit all intricately woven into a rich techno tapestry. Or something like that 😉
Selador Recordings – It’s an art, not a science. x