Despite having known each other for the best part of two decades, Luke Brancaccio & Steve Parry surprisingly, didn’t actually formally meet until 2018. It will come as no surprise however to learn it was their shared passion for dance music that eventually brought them together.
It could have all worked out differently when back in 2005, Luke didn’t make it to a gig Steve booked him for at his infamous Alderaan nights in Liverpool but that’s a story for another day and their friendship continued to flourish online, blossoming further when Selador signed one of Luke’s tracks for the label’s 5th Birthday project.
It was around this time that the idea of a collaboration was mooted which is where our story gathers pace. The result, as you’d expect, is something special as the duo draw upon their combined wealth of DJ, clubbing and production experience to create a peak time juggernaut by the name of ‘Control Machine’.
This straight-for-the-jugular beast is also accompanied by an equally large remix courtesy of Brazilian legend, Renato Cohen who builds upon the original’s relentless bassline adding yet more unbridled power and energy.
Together, it’s a double barrelled weapon alert!
Team Selador – Specialists in high grade ammunition x